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Herbal Sore Throat Spray 30ml


Used for sore throats, and any mucous build up.

Helps to break up phelgm

Great rose syrup flavour


Ingredients: Echinacea purpurea radix, Thyme & Licorice, Cinnamon zeylanicum, Verbascum flower, and sage Rose flavouring


Echinacea Purpurea Radix - Stimulates the immune system and improves resistance to infections.


Thyme - based on its antiseptic and anti-bacterial actions combined with the expectorant and spasmolytic actions. Alleviates coughing and other symptoms of acute bronchitis.


Licorice due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, licorice root may aid upper respiratory conditions


Cinnamon zylanicum - may help fight throat pain and infection due to a cold or flu.


Verbascum flower - Mullein has expectorant and demulcent properties, which accounts for this herb's historical use as a remedy for the respiratory tract, particularly in cases of irritating coughs with bronchial congestion.


Directions: spray 2-3 squirts into the throat, up to three times a day.

Can do every 2 hours for the first day when symptoms are presents

Avoid if you are on any Heart or Blood Pressure or Diabetic medication.

Or if you suffer with heart palpitations.

Avoid if you are on any medication.

Avoid in pregnancy or breastfeeding

Avoid in children under 12 years of age

Not recommended if going through Cancer treatment.

Sore Throat spray 30ml

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